Today is September eleventh. 12 years ago today, the twin towers were felled by two airplanes. Hijacked by terrorists, the planes crashed into the towers. Passengers, workers, and firemen lost their lives in the chaos that followed. Please remember all that perished and give amoment of silence today.

          Declared in 1850 this month is grilled cheese month!! So for all those grilled cheese lovers out there happy grilled cheese month to you!!! That's all really..... so..... goodbye. ;)

Go ahead and waste your days with thinking
When you fall, everyone stands
Another day and youve had your fill of sinking
With the life held in your
Hands are shaking cold
These hands are meant to hold

Comment your guess or use the contact me form on the home page!!! Thanks everyone!
       Happy earth day everyone!!!! Today is a day to celebrate nature and our earth. Take a step back sometime and really think about how lucky you are to live on this planet, and then think about all we do to pollute this planet. Think of the oil spills, all the plastic in landfills, and all the trees that we've cut down to make paper. Think about those poor chopped down trees that used to make air for us before it was slaughtered (I guess "slaughtered" i a bit of a strong word but still...) Today is a day to take a stand against all that, spread awareness. No, this does not mean you have to become a hippy or turn vegan. Also today in 1994 the world's largest lollipop was made in Denmark, it weighed a whopping 3,011 pounds. 

Hey, I know its been a while and my views have gone way down but Im just here to say Im back! 
        This is my pug, Doodles. This is just a random post about how cute my dog is. Well anyway, isn't she adorable?!?!?!? Don't you just want to comment on her cut puggy face and cute puggy nose? Here is the story of how we got Doodles. 

         Twas the night before halloween and althrough the house, every creaure was stirring but thank god not a mouse. We drove through the night to a home built in richmond, hopefully to find us a new friend. Her face was all scrunched and she was so lonely.
"We have no time for her" they said.
"Oh, baloney!"
We took her home and named her Doodles, she is so much better than those stuck up poodles!
    Like my story? wrote it in 10 minutes, well that was fun. Don't forget to comment! I mean seriously, 116 views in the first like, 4 hours and not a single comment! Well, just remember it will make me happy if you do so. Blog Ya Later!