        Hey! Guess what!?!?! I'm taking art classes! Yay! Yeah I'm taking them at a place called Jags Art Studio. It's really fun, I'm drawing a rose right now and I have a class tonight. The first thing we learn is pencil drawing, no color, and shading. We use two different kinds of erasers a grey one, that we named squishy, that is maleable like clay and a white stiff one. Squishy can fade colors and elongate shadows. The white one is used to eradicate all of the evil pencil lines that dare be out of place. Anyway my rose is beautiful, when it's done I'll take a picture and post it for you. Oh! I almost  forgot that we also you a drawing pad called 'bristol' it says on the outside it's made of smooth velum. Well that's it for now, but keep an eye out for my rose! Blog ya later!

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